What If You Don’t Own a Car But Need SR22 Auto Insurance In California?
Sometimes, drivers are required to carry an SR22 insurance policy even if they don’t own a vehicle to keep their drivers license active. If you don’t own a car but have been ordered to obtain SR22 because of your involvement in an auto accident or violation, you can obtain a non-owner SR22 insurance policy. This coverage provides the same proof of responsibility and covers you in the event that you do borrow a car occasionally.
How Long Do I Need Non Owner SR22 Insurance In California?
SR-22 insurance, in most cases, is required for three years. You must be covered during the specific time period noted by the DMV before you will be able to remove the SR-22 coverage. If, for any reason, your policy lapses or is cancelled, your insurance agency is required by law to notify the DMV and your license may be suspended.
How Do I Buy Non Owner SR-22 Insurance In California?
Not all insurance agencies will be willing to file non owner SR-22 insurance in California. In fact, they may just drop you entirely. You must already have insurance coverage in order to file for your SR-22. The only fee for this extra coverage is the filing fee, keeping it affordable. However, if you find yourself in need of SR-22 insurance coverage, it is likely that your current insurance policy rate will dramatically increase.SR-22 insurance coverage proves to the state that you have the minimum amount of coverage required by law and that you are able to be financially responsible for an accident you cause. Driving without insurance or without required SR-22 coverage could result in even more severe punishment from the court.
How Do I Save Money on Non Owner SR22 Insurance In California?
Compare Multiple Rates
There are plenty of Los Angeles lenders who offer non owner SR-22 insurance policies. The knowledgeable agents at SR22Savings can help you shop and compare rates from multiple lenders. You’re not in this alone, we’re here to help. Call 855-772-2728 or Apply Online!